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3 good ideas for alternative gift wrapping

With Christmas and birthdays come gifts and with gifts comes gift wrapping.
A beautifully wrapped gift makes the joy of anticipation even greater and your fingers tingle extra to unwrap the gift!

But all the beautiful gifts under the Christmas tree mean that every year we throw away 800 tonnes of gift wrapping paper for Christmas in Denmark alone!

Fortunately, you can easily wrap your gifts beautifully in an alternative friendly way. See Dorthe's 3 good alternative friendly gift wrapping ideas in the video below

Good ideas for beautiful, alternative gift wrapping

It is a good idea to go hunting in nature for nice things that you can decorate the gifts with. It can, for example, be rosemary, apples, spruce or fir cones.

Another really good idea, if you want to wrap your gifts in an alternative way, is to save the paper and ribbon you get into the house. Recycling is GREAT and you can combine your old paper and ribbon in new ways, so that the gifts get a new look. And on top of that, it's completely free 😉

If you would like to use paper from newspapers or magazines to nicely wrap your gifts, it is a good idea to look for a page that has some nice colors that match your ribbon. For example in the video, Dorthe has chosen a side with brown on it, because it goes really well with the brown ribbon she has on the gift.

Wrap your gifts in:
- Newsprint
- A tea towel or fabric residue
- Old wrapping paper

Reusable gift wrap

If you would like to wrap your gifts in an alternative way, but also want a beautiful pattern on the paper, EVERWRAP is a perfect solution for you.
EVERWRAP is reusable gift wrap that you can use again and again and...
You can read more about our reusable gift paper and see the different sheets right here.

We hope that you have been inspired to wrap your gifts ♥️


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