Since autumn 2020, ViSSEVASSE has supported LittleBigHelp in their work in India.
LittleBigHelp works to create better future opportunities for vulnerable children and families in West Bengal in north-eastern India. They work to ensure basic children's rights such as protection and education and they strengthen women socially and economically through vocational training.
"We are proud to be corporate partners and thus support LBH's projects in India. We have designed a support poster where all the money from the sale goes directly to LBH. The poster symbolizes hope, peace and friendship and depicts 3 playful children in front of one of Kolkata's most iconic buildings: Victoria Memorial”, says Dorthe Mathiesen (owner and designer at ViSSEVASSE)
"Since the Kolkata poster, there have been 2 additional support posters, where 25% of the sales go to LittleBigHelp. The theme of the posters is from woman to woman" , says Dorthe .
With our support for LittleBigHelp, we have become a corporate partner. This means that we support LittleBigHelp every year.
The support for LittleBigHelp consists of a support posters Kolkata, Stronger Together and We are one.
The Kolkata poster was designed by Dorthe Mathiesen, who in collaboration with Lisbeth Johansen (founder of LittleBigHelp) has selected the motif. ViSSEVASSE has paid for the production of the poster and when you buy the poster, the amount goes directly to LittleBigHelp.
Dorthe says: "LittleBigHelp's founder Lisbeth has a very special drive and passion for helping vulnerable children and families in India, which we admire very much!
All children have the right to a good childhood and basic things such as food, a bed and going to school. When the children come under LBH's wings, they get help (both psychologically and practically), which makes a huge difference to the vulnerable street children."
Picture of the founder of LittleBigHelp, Lisbeth Johansen, and one of the girls from the orphanage.
Through 25 projects, LittleBigHelp provides direct support to more than 1,200 vulnerable children and adults and indirectly to over 1,300 families. The projects consist of school preparation for children from 9 slum areas, as well as information work in the same areas, vocational training for vulnerable women, orphanages, computer training centers and a school for children and young people with special needs.
"One of LBH's nice projects in Kolkata is a girls' home where 17 girls live. They love to dress up, dance and do puzzles like all other girls their age. It really warmed our hearts when we got a greeting with the pictures of the happy girls in brightly colored dresses!", says Dorthe. See the nice pictures below.
You can read more about LittleBigHelp and their work right here.

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