5 tips for furnishing a summer house
The sun's rays warm us and the flowers have burst out.
Summer is officially on its way ☀️
This means extra hours in your second home, the summer house (if you are lucky enough to have one). We have collected our 5 best tips for furnishing a cozy summer house with space for relaxation and family time.
You can of course use the tips at home too, if you want a little extra coziness and a summer atmosphere in your decor.
1. Create a still life with your favorite pottery
Poster: Denmark Dunes - see it here ->
Cups, teapots and vases - ceramics can do something very special.
If you are the type of person who has built up a large and beautiful collection of ceramics over time, it is obvious to make a small still life with your favourites.
It can, for example, be on a small table, in a display cabinet or on your kitchen shelves.
Make sure to mix different shapes and colors to create a personal expression.
If you want to expand your ceramics collection, you can go hunting at the summer's many flea markets and make some bargains!
You can liven up your still life with flowers in jugs and vases, decoration on the walls (e.g. beautiful postcards from the local area, mirrors or posters) or candles if you want to turn up the coziness when it gets dark.
See the Denmark Dunes poster here ->
2. Use dried flowers on walls and in windows
It's a trend that has been in our homes for a long time, but dried flowers can still do something. Especially in a holiday home, where they help to create a warm and homely look.
Use the summer holidays to collect summer flowers and dry them, so you can think of warmer times when it is shaking and raining outside in autumn. Some flowers are particularly suitable for drying, e.g. lavender and cornflower.
You can make small bouquets of dried flowers that you can hang on the wall on small nails (as in the picture above).
Another option is to press individual flowers that you can hang on the window. It creates a super beautiful shadow play.
Hang the flowers on the window with a small piece of tape.

If you are not so much into dried flowers, but still want to invite nature inside, you can hang nature and flower posters on the walls.
See all our nature and flower posters here ->
3. Get cozy summer house decor with warm colors
Summer house rhymes with coziness, tranquility and relaxation.
A good way to create the perfect summer house atmosphere is to use warm colors and natural materials. Think pink, orange and yellow and feel free to use extra wood in your decor (e.g. wooden frames, wooden table legs, etc.).
If you would like to have a calm expression, it is a good idea to choose colors that repeat each other. In the picture above, pink goes, for example. again both on the sofa, on the posters on the wall and on the hat shelf.
In this way, there is a connection between the elements in the living room, which creates a peaceful atmosphere that leads to pleasant moments.
(Have you noticed the puzzle just waiting to be put together? 😉)
See more posters with warm colors ->
If you want to know more about the composition of colours, you can read our guide here ->
4. Create a personal picture wall
Posters: Hike with me , VW Beetle , Ocean View . See more posters in the same style ->
Your holiday home should feel like your second home.
That is why it is important to include yourself and your personality in your interior design.
You can make your holiday home seem extra homely by creating a personal picture wall, which you put together based on memories and things with emotional value.
Dorthe, who designs all our products, has put together the picture wall above for her summer house.
"I have chosen to hang some posters that remind me of the things that I like to do the most. I love going on long walks, and that is why I have chosen the Hike with me plaque. And so it is a must for me to come down and say hello to the sea when I'm at the cottage, the Ocean view poster reminds me of that.
On the picture wall there are also old embroideries that I have found at flea markets and a museum poster from a local museum"
See all our posters and find your favorites ->
5. Create a cozy nook with room for reflection
Posters: Namaste , Sun Salutation . See more posters in the same style ->We LOVE small cozy nooks and in our opinion, there should be at least one cozy nook in a holiday home. A place where you can sit down and read a good book, meditate or just look out the window.
When you create a cozy nook, it is smart to start with a good and comfortable chair. Put together the rest of the cozy nook based on the style of the chair.
In the picture there is e.g. used a bamboo chair with a light cushion.
Therefore, a table and stool in light wood, a lamp in a light color and posters have been chosen, which help to create a calm expression.
See our mindfulness posters ->
We hope you can use our 5 tips to make your holiday home or home extra cosy. If you would like personal guidance, you are very welcome to write to us. You can do that here ->

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