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It's a good idea to create a cozy home workspace in the living room or kitchen - give yourself a place where you can pay bills, write notes about the week's tasks and future goals. Create a free space in the room - with room for reflection.

Similar shades create tranquility at your home workplace

Avoid a lot of clutter - collect your posters in similar shades and find notebooks and boxes that match. The small white gallery shelf is great for displaying pictures - and you can easily change your pictures.

It gives a nice effect with the ABC poster in the same color but in different sizes.

The ABC posters come in 50x70 cm, 30x40 cm and 15x21 cm. See them here >>>

In the picture above, we have used the three different color tones that the ABC poster comes in: mint, pink and white.

Put your clutter away in boxes and supplement with beautiful things that are inspiring to look at. Display a small plant or several, here we have used a vibe egg, it creates life and coziness at your desk.

Find the mint green ABC here >>>

Find the pink ABC here >>>

Find the white ABC here >>>