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That is why we celebrate Lucia Day

December 13 is Lucia Day and children all over the country usually go in a Lucia procession with candles, singing and white dresses. We hope to be able to see beautiful Lucia processions in 2021 ♥️

We think it's a really nice Christmas tradition! But where does it actually come from?

Why do we go to the Lucia Procession?

The tradition of Lucia procession is actually quite new and it first came to Denmark in 1944, when the first Danish Lucia procession was carried out in Scala.
The tradition originates from Sweden and, like many other Swedish traditions, came to Denmark after the occupation.
In the procession, the girl dressed in white with the wreath must represent Lucia. With the procession we celebrate the light and the saint Sankta Lucia.

The story of Saint Lucia

Lucia lived in the Roman Empire from approx. 283-304. She was a Christian, which was forbidden, among other things. because the Christian citizens refused to sacrifice to the Emperor. Lucia sought refuge in the city's catacombs, but she wanted to help her fellow humans and therefore sneaked out at night to give food to the poor. She wore a garland of lights on her head so she could see in the dark and have her arms free.

Lucia had been promised to a husband who did not share her Christian faith. She refused to marry him, for which he retaliated by reporting her as a Christian to the Roman authorities. Therefore, Lucia was arrested and sentenced to death, but was miraculously protected during several execution attempts.
Finally, Lucia was executed on 13 December in the year 304 and she was immediately named a saint and martyr by the Catholic Church. Since then we have celebrated Lucia on 13 December.

Did you know that according to the old calendar, the Lucian night was the longest and darkest of the year, and was therefore believed to be filled with evil and sorcery?
Therefore one should not go outside that night.

Very happy Lucia day 🕯

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